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mind stuff 【哲學】精神素材。

mind virus

The peace of the chitta ( or mind stuff ) can be brought about through the practice of sympathy , tenderness , steadiness of purpose , and dispassion in regard to pleasure or pain , or towards all forms of good or evil 自心清明或是意識種性得以純凈來自于同情(施舍) 、仁慈(慈悲) 、堅信(誠信)和面對喜與痛、善與惡的靜定。

The state of isolated unity ( withdrawn into the true nature of the self ) is the reward of the man who can discriminate between the mind stuff and the self , or spiritual man 唯一不二的靈性本體(自我返觀而覺知的自然本性)是對能夠在靈性本體與自我意識之間明辨之人的相應回報,此即是真我(真人) 。

By liberation from the causes of bondage through their weakening and by an understanding of the mode of transference ( withdrawal or entrance ) , the mind stuff ( or chitta ) can enter another body 當瑜伽士了悟受制減弱的因素而得以釋放轉化(出或入) ,他的意識就能進入另外的形態中。

The mind stuff also , reflecting as it does an infinity of mind impressions , becomes the instrument of the self and acts as a unifying agent 同樣,靈性本體實際上也反映的是無限意識的心靈印象, (因混合性)成為自我的運用工具并充當整合體的代理。

When this super - contemplative state is reached , the yogi acquires pure spiritual realization through the balanced quiet of the chitta ( or mind stuff ) 當深入冥想無限擴展,瑜伽修行者以此純意識的顯現而得以靈性輕安(真我顯現) 。

When the spiritual intelligence which stands alone and freed from objects , reflects itself in the mind stuff , then comes awareness of the self 唯此獨一無二之智慧從物相中解脫出來,返觀自照于靈性本體則得見自我。

The lord of the mind , the perceiver , is ever aware of the constantly active mind stuff , the effect - producing cause 全知全覺因其原始體性如如不動、延綿不絕、相互作用而得以永恒。

Then the mind stuff , reflecting both the knower and the knowable , becomes omniscient 由此靈性本體如被知覺者與認知二者一體共同映現,則成為全知。

Then ensues a moment wherein the chitta ( mind stuff ) responds to both these factors 接續而至的是意識在以上二者因素產生之時瞬間的響應。